Case Management

Vocational Rehab

Bridge Case Management provides prompt, comprehensive Immediate Needs Assessments (INAs), under the 2007 Rehabilitation Code.
Contact is made with the client promptly after receiving authorisation from the Claimant Solicitor, and the assessment visit is normally undertaken within 10 working days.
Our Case Managers discuss all matters relating to their injuries, treatment, and the affects this has had on their life.
The Immediate Needs Assessment report is provided within 21 days of the meeting, and provides a comprehensive breakdown of the client’s pre-accident capabilities, their current incapacities, their treatment history, and what they understand of the plan for their treatment. The report also includes information regarding their pre-accident employment.
Our Case Managers provide comprehensive INA reports with plans for short and long term goals. Our reports enable all involved to easily grasp the situation, with an action plan to support the achievement of the rehab goals. Our clients tell us how practical our reports are in helping them understand what is happening, and enables them to participate more in the recovery process.